
Oct 8, 2023    Pastor Scott Lothery

Paul planted the church in Ephesus.

·    In fact, he served as their pastor for three years.

·    He obviously exhorted them towards action during his pastoral ministry and in this letter,

·    But our verses for today, don’t instruct us to do anything.


They are an explanation of what God has done for Christians and to Christians in Jesus Christ.

·    Ephesians 2:1-10 contains 5 truths about our salvation.

·    As we reflect on these facts about us, no doubt the Lord will direct each of our hearts to respond in different ways.

·    But they are really intended to tell us what has happened to us, so that we simply give praise the Lord.

5 truths about our salvation:

·    We were dead.

·    God made us alive.

·    This salvation happened by grace

·    through faith

·    for good works that glorify God.