Hearing From God When Your Heart Needs Revival

Jan 21, 2024    Pastor Scott Lothery

Today’s passage has some very clear words from God for us when your heart needs revival. Here’s what I aim to do in our time today: 


First, 3 root causes of losing heart. What produces spiritual decline? There are 3 that I see in this passage. 

·    When your heart needs revival, beware of these three. 

·    They will make your spiritual condition worse! 

·    It is a brief lesson on what NOT to do when you are struggling as a Christian.


Second, there are 3 actions you can take to revive your heart for God. 

·    These 3 will improve your spiritual condition. 

·    You will go from feeling a distance with the Lord to feeling renewed in your Christian life. 


Not instantaneously. These three are not pills to pop with a bit of water for immediate change of heart. 

·    They take effort, consistency, and time. 

·    But they will revive even the hearts that feel the most distant from God.