Prayer Requests

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people." ... Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere."  Ephesians 6:18

  • So thankful to our Lord and Savior, I noticed Bell's Palsy on Mother's Day and praise God my face is mostly restored. He spoke to me and gave me peace.
  • Praise God who has provided shelter, food and fellowship, He has blessed my sons to be able to take care of themselves. Praise God for always being there.
  • Praise God for answering prayers for a Godly woman to enter our son's life. They are now married and looking forward to their life together in Christ.
  • Praise God the surgery was successful for Albie who had a pacemaker put in.
  • Praise God! Thank you for being the Rock, the Provider, the Comforter, for answering prayer. Glory to you God!
  • Thank you Jesus for Jillian completing radiation without the need for steroids. Thank you for sustaining her.
  • Giving thanks for Jim who preaches the gospel on street corners and gives out bibles to anyone who will receive.
  • Thank you Father for all you have done in my son's life to bring him out of addiction and into a life of sobriety.
  • I thank you God for healing my marriage, for teaching us new ways to deal with our hearts and for making my marriage new.
  • I give thanks to God because I was offered a new job opportunity where not only is there potential to make more but will force me to get out of my shell.
  • Thank you God for answering my prayers and the prayers of my mother, for the breakthroughs. We are asking, seeking and knocking.

  • Pray for our country, President and governing leaders
  • Pray for the Church as well as for Living Faith Christian Church.
  • Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • Pray for the people of Ukraine.

Requests from Prayer Night
  • Pray for Lori-Jean having hernia surgery 9/13/24. Also, for a safe return, for my son Tim, from Chile on 9/14/24. He is with the Marines Reserve.
  • Prayer request for my health (cancer), to recover. Also, for my marriage, 32 years.
  • Prayer for 2 friends, both recovering after surgeries.
  • Pray for Stephanie and Victoria.
  • For Thomas and Anthony to keep focused on the Lord.
  • Please pray for Colleen & Ron and their upcoming wedding, Stephanie's medical issues, Mason (4 year old with gastro issues) and pray for our country!
  • Pray for Ray who is having surgery in early October for kidney cancer.
  • For James' vision issues. (23 years old and in much pain)
  • For Christine with recurrence of cancer.
  • Prayers for Tommy Sr. who is in rehab.
  • For my daughter Erin who was recently laid off and needs work.
  • Pray for favor with our home renovation.
  • Praying for his mercy and promise, He has been my rock while I am away from my immediate family. He has been the only support and understanding. Thankful for the help and miracle that he has done and keeps doing in my life, the gift of life he gave back to my mother.
  • Pray for Frank with various health issues and extreme tiredness.
  • Healing for Tuhulla and Joe.
  • Please join Dawn & I in prayer for Dawn's healing. She has severe neck pain due to herniated disc's. Also, salvation for our daughters.
  • Prayer for patience, to study for the upcoming NFPT test and to hear from God regarding a wife of His choosing.
  • Lord, I pray that Ezequiel will give his heart to Christ, that he is taken out of darkness and will walk into the light of Jesus.

Requests from Prayer Room
  • Father, please put your healing hands on Frank as he battles cancer.
  • Pray for Patricia with kidney cancer. Cat scan showed some nodules.
  • Jesus please bless my family and please keep the roof over our heads. Lead us by your righteousness and give us the break throughs we are seeking.
  • I pray and ask for the continued healing of my daughter, Jessica and my family. Thank you Father for always hearing and listening to my prayers.
  • Pray for Mary.
  • Lift up families that are mourning the loss of loved ones due to: fires, sickness and car accidents due to DWI. Many tragedies. Lord draw this nation back to you. May you be praised forever.
  • I request prayer over my anxiety that I have been experiencing for a few years now, it feels like a never ending fight. I know only God can help me.
  • God I pray that you will soften stiff necks and hardened hearts.
  • Healing for BJ's prostate cancer and his surrender to the Lord. Heal John & Nicole's marriage and help them spiritually, mentally, physically and financially. Give me strength to get through the trials.
  • Keep me from temptation/evil to live a holy life pleasing to you.
  • I pray the Holy Spirit will touch my husbands heart and allow God again to fill his heart and soul.
  • I am so tired. I need you Lord. Please hear me. I shouldn't have to choose, I love them all. No one has faith in me, no one respects me, no one sees me.

Kathi Adamczyk - Please pray for me, I was diagnosed with cancer last week.

Linda Crispell - Please pray for my friend Lucy, she is going in for brain surgery on Wednesday.

Iris Perry Smith - Pray for comfort for my sister in law Terry, she is currently in Hospice care @ home.

Christina Canzoneri - Please pray for my husband who was present on 9/11 and witnessed the towers fall. He will be having his hip replaced and he needs prayers for good health and recovery. Also, for me as I go through health challenges and medical testing.

Diana Kolega - Please pray for Diana‘s knee replacement surgery on Monday 9/16 and the weeks of rehab to follow.

Yudy Vanegas - Pray for Rachel who suffers from epilepsy and just had brain surgery. Pray for her parents to stay strong.

Anthony Romano - Salvation for everyone.

Tea Kuna - My son to have faith for his gambling addiction.

James Schmachtenberg - Please pray for Kristen.

Veronica Schmachtenberg - Pray for our country.

Jennifer Capobianco - Please pray that my sons find their peace and happiness.

Gary Binford - Salvation for Monica, Tomasso, Chris, Paula, Walt, Valita, Jason, VJ and Rowie.

Lori Roach - Thank you for prayers for daughters Nicole and Danielle for salvation. We have seen God moving in so many ways in their lives.

Debbie Lutz - Pray for a friend Peter who sustained serious injuries in a motorcycle accident, awaiting spinal surgery.

Andy & Tanya Taffurelli - We are moving to North Carolina and starting new businesses. We are praying for God’s safety, blessing and presence as we get settled in a new place. Also, prayer for good community and a new Church! We will miss LFCC!

Susan Viscusi - Prayers for my husband John & his family - his Uncle Joe went home to the LORD today.

Anthony Romano - Salvation for family.

David Walker - Pray for Wilman and Mrs, Vargus, both having surgery.

Jennifer Capobianco - Please pray for my sons that they find happiness, peace and love with their forever partners. And Steven finds a job that he can make as his career.

Caroline - My Mom has been diagnosed with cancer and has decided not to have chemotherapy. I would like to have all the prayers if you don't mind.

Jen Saliba - Pray for Albert who is in a coma after an aneurysm.

Charles Carrillo - Pray for my granddaughter Mikayla, she will be starting college in the city next month.

Patrick & Rosangela Mendonca - Pray for our son Kyle.

Gary Binford - Salvation for Chris, VJ, Rowie, Walt, Valita, Monica and Paula.

Joann Lentini - Pray for my daughter Jacqueline with severe MS and her brother, Matthew, her caregiver.

Church Office - Please pray for Pastor Steve.

Susan Viscusi - Continued prayer of healing and strength for my parents James and Kathryn; prayers for a successful back procedure for my Dad next Friday.

Deb Barnum (Missionary in Bangladesh) - Please pray for Deb and her co-workers to have health, strength, patience and endurance to show the love and hope of Christ in this dark land.

George Russ - My wife is battling a serious disease and will begin new treatment. Please pray she handles the new treatment well.