Don't Waste Your Quarantine Time

Do you remember the days prior to Covid-19 when you had so much to do yet so little time to do it?
Well, now we have so much time and if you are like me, we seem to be doing so little with it! There are a number of reasons for this including but not limited to:
1. MAKE A LIST OF THINGS TO DO When you don’t know what to do, you will do it. That is, a blank list becomes a life of random living and frustration. Identify things that need to be done and should be done, daily and weekly. Refer to this list often and add to it as things change. |
2. DO SOMETHING NOW Rather than worry about the priorities around you like fixing the lawn mower….wash the dishes, put the laundry in the washer, or my favorite, replace the lightbulb that is out or keeps flickering. Don’t overthink this, do something now. |
3. SCHEDULE YOUR “DOWN TIME” Plan specific hours to do nothing but watch your favorite show (and turn the screen off during the other times), play a game, sit in the back yard, or just take a nap. There is no guilt in relaxing when you have been fulfilling your plans. |
4. MAKE A LIST OF THINGS YOU CAN DO AND COMPLETE WITHOUT HELP FROM OTHERS Creating a list of things you can do will give you focus. As well, it will help you see the amount of time it will take so you can set aside a proper amount of time to finish the project. |
5. MAKE A LIST OF THINGS YOU CAN ONLY DO WITH THE HELP OF OTHERS By knowing your limitations, you can avoid plunging into a project you cannot complete and provides you with the resources you need when you work a project. |
6. READ THE SCRIPTURES AND PRAY AT SPECIFIC TIMES, DAILY Randomly doing a quiet time with the Lord will be dominated by distractions. These distractions will likely cause you to miss a day or days in hearing from God or speaking to God. In addition, randomly finding a quiet time leads to allowing things to distract you during the quiet time. Don’t neglect time with the Lord as it will refresh your mind and give comfort to your soul. As well, your prayers make a difference in your life and the lives of others. God speaks through His Word and He hears your prayers. |
7. READ A BOOK Not enough of us read. Get a book like Pilgrims Progress or The Screwtape Letters and plunge into reading. You will enjoy it and it will take your mind away from the anxiety around you. |
8. DISCOVER HOW YOU CAN BE A BLESSING AND MAKE TIME FOR IT Your neighbors, like yourself, may be experiencing disorder and disruptions, or feeling tremendous fear or anxiety. Think about ways you can help them like leaving a note of encouragement on their doorstep, dropping off a small gift at their door, or leaving a note with your phone number telling them to call you to assist with their needs. Remember the words of Proverbs 6:6-11 (NIV) “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet is stores its provisions in the summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest – and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man." |
Posted in Pastor Mark Lydecker
Posted in quarantine, covid-19, time management, tasks, family, reading, pray, prayer, worry, to-do list
Posted in quarantine, covid-19, time management, tasks, family, reading, pray, prayer, worry, to-do list
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